Time Saving Hacks

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there!  A message that I got from Spirit at my Virtual Book Launch Party was that all of us are mothers, whether we have our own children/fur babies or not.  We are mothers of creation and have dreams that we are nurturing. 

If you’re like me sometimes you get impatient waiting for those dreams to manifest into your physical experience and may end up working tirelessly in hopes that they will come to fruition faster.  Much like a farmer who has planted his/her seeds though, demanding that they sprout faster and watering them furiously will not cause them to grow any faster.  In fact the opposite may happen and you could drown them with too much water and focus.

Noticing my desire to work tirelessly to build my new academy and Manifest with Ease Master Class, I was reminded of my own teachings and to take a break so as not to burn myself out.  Timely as it was my first business coach, Leah Remillet and I got reconnected who focuses on teaching time saving systems so that entrepreneurial moms can buy back their time.  An affirmation that she reminded me of repeating to myself was, “I deserve downtime.”

Check out our interview here for more tips on how to buy back your time. 

About Your Host:

Julie helps business owners break through to the next level of success in their businesses by helping them clear money blocks. She is a psychic medium, intuitive coach, and the international best-selling author of, “Free to Fly: Manifest the Life of Your Dreams.” In her book, she will walk you through the 4 step process that will help you declutter every area of your life so that you can clear the path to greater purpose and prosperity.

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